Did we ever think that words like “Social Distance”, “Lockdown” and “Quarantine” will become such an integral part of our lives to the extent that these words govern it. And then there is “Work from Home”. Till, early this year, it was an option exercised as a luxury. In a span of a few days, it became everyone’s reality. The lasting effect of these cataclysmic changes will, probably, be felt once we come out of this situation. Right now, it is all about adapting to the current circumstances. And I believe that going forward Work from Home will be a part of our work culture – The New Normal.

One thing this pandemic has brought into focus is the need for a well-appointed living space. By that, we mean a home or a room that is equipped to enable us to spend a big chunk of or lives in it. And fortunately, creating an efficient home environment is not as complicated as it sounds. It boils down to figuring out our essential requirements and giving them the due importance.